Personal Empowerment Is The Door To Success ...STEP UP AND TURN THE KEY

Personal Empowerment Is The Door To Success ...STEP UP AND TURN THE KEY


The Magic Formula To Losing Weight

YES...There actually IS
a Magic Formula
To Losing Weight

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For those who are reguler readers and FOLLOW The PETEtheTRAINER Blog, you know by now, that interval training, is the key to truly successful cardio, meaning want to burn fat and keep your hard earned muscle.

If you're serious about your training, you already use some kind of intervals for complete fitness and take your workouts to the next level at every chance you get. One minute hard, one minute recovery right? Well, yes, but also NO. As with anything training and fat loss related, true success comes from keeping your body on 'it's toes' ...mixing things up. And while 'minute-on, minute-off' style cardio is certainly far better than endurance training for fat loss, (holding the intensity level for extended lengths of time)

...if you want to get lean without wasting time, money and effort, you'll need to understand the Professional way of doing Cardio. What we've just talked about so far today, is really just a starting point.

And if you're doing 'minute-on, minute-off' Cardio, over and over it's a cert your body is sick of it. Which means it ain*t gonna be working as well as it once did, and you ain't incinerating much body-fat, if any.


So let's take a look at exactly what ideal interval training is. Well, for starters, true interval training is officially known as High Intensity Interval Training - HIIT for short. Professional quality HIIT sure isn't just any old back and forth on the treadmill while you change tunes on your iPod and check out the latest tanned talent. This IS professional stuff, guaranteed to supercharge your cardio and help you burn 'tons' of fat, fast..!

Here's How It Works

There are a few key elements that make HIIT stand out from regular interval training, and the reason for this is the end goal (to maintain a higher anaerobic state for as much total cumulative time as possible).

A typical HIIT workout would contain the following elements:

CORRECT TIME - HIIT training must last absolutely no longer than 20 minutes (extra time for warming up and cooling down is okay)
...a beginner HIIT workout might have as little as 4-6 minutes total 'work time', and an advanced HIIT workout might have up to a 50/50 ratio or beyond.

MUSCLE RECRUITMENT STYLE - HIIT training uses as many muscle groups as possible.

NOTE: When you really give these kind of workouts your heart and soul, you absolutely, should NOT be doing consecutive days.

You'll need at least one day in between all out sessons.
Only repeat a (certain) HIIT program (see below) for a maximum of 6 weeks. Any longer and your body will start to adapt, so take a week or so off from this style of cardio, and then come back with a fresh HIIT program.

This Is HOW to put your own HIIT Together

If the end goal is to perform as much total anaerobic exercise as possible then it stands to reason that your rest times will be increasingly reduced as you advance through your HIIT programs. As a beginner, you might start out with 6-8 repetitions of 30-second sprints, with up to 90 seconds rest in between. After a week or so you'll notice you don't really need that much rest, and you can gradually reduce down to a 50/50 ratio. If you've never really worked hard at your intervals before, then this is the ideal place to start for your first 6 week block, and will also massively boost your overal fitness and mood.

Taking things to the NEXT LEVEL

Once you've built a HIIT foundation you will have obviously further increased your fitness, it's also the point at which you'll really start to chow through the body fat. You'll be completely using up your energy with this style of training, so be sure to give yourself adequate rest between workouts. Try starting out with 60-second work periods and at least 2 minutes rest time. As before, gradually reduce your rest time until it's a 50/50 ratio. Remember do not to go beyond 20 minutes total work time, but also be sure to warm up with Parameters TM and stretch out afterwards. The sky is really the limit here, as you can obviously increase your work intensity even once you've decreased the rest time as far as possible.


This is where things get really interesting - we actually start to drop your rest time lower than your work time. Yep, it's intense, it's a little bit scary, it's not for the unmotivated, it's bound to get your lungs screaming, but it really does blast away the fitness cobwebs like nothing on earth ...and as you can imagine'll be burning fat like crazy. When you come to this stage it's wise to reduce your total work time to as low as 10 minutes until you gradually become accustomed to the higher intensity - or you just might find yourself wiping the floor
with, well, yourself.
Try starting with 60 seconds work time and 40 seconds rest, and gradually increase the intensity as you cutback first, the work time, and then the 'resting' element. Don't forget your gym towel - you're gonna need it!

Have you already tried 'HIIT' training ?
What's your preferred approach?
Where do you think you could make some changes to maximize your results?

LIFE's about dis-covery, RIGHT?

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I want your involvement, your feedback and your questions!
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Start, Revise or Refresh Your ... LEAN BODY BASICS


Get a Lean, Strong, Healthy, Well-Toned Body

Whether you are brand new to exercise, or just want to refresh what you've been doing, today's post will help you design your ideal weekly exercise program, so you make sure you are focussing on the right sort of cardio and strength training techniques that will actually get you lean without wasting time, money and effort. Are you ready for maximum success? on.
As you probably already know, strength training is the bread and butter of a perfect exercise program. Well it's, the meat and fat, if you follow the nutritional advice on this blog. If your goal is to live in a lean, strong, healthy, and well-toned body, then weight training is an absolute must. When performed regularly and at the appropriate intensity, it increases your lean muscle mass, which in turn raises your metabolism and helps you to burn fat all day long and even while you're asleep! Strength training even increases your bone density, so it's a great way of protecting and supporting your body for the long-term.

Designing THE IDEAL Training Program

The ideal program includes a minimum of 3 days of stength training, and up to 5 or even 6 cardio sessions. These sessions should be 40-60 minutes. No less, and certainly not more.

There are many approaches to strength training, and I'm not going to get into them all here.

If getting lean is your goal, then one of the best approaches is to superset (2 exercises back to back ) between upper and lower body exercises. This efectively stimulates the release of muscle building and fat burning hormones. Rest time after each superset should be 60-90 seconds. If you're pushing yourself hard enough, you'll have your heart racing, and your nose dripping sweat.

Circuit Training is also excellent for fitness and fat loss. This requires 3-6 exercises, ideally targeting different body parts, and all performed back to back. Rest for around 2 minutes (less if your recovery is good), and repeat 3-4 times.


Always prepare for results by performing The Parameters Sequence TM. Then warm-up by performing the first set of each exercise with no or low weight, and cool down by stretching and performing The Complete Breath TM after each session. It goes without saying that you should only choose exercises you are comfortable with, and confident that you can perform correctly.

This is an activity that is easily forgotten, particularly if you're someone who loves intense training. Personally, 'in the old days' I used to think of stretching as a waste of time. In my early twenties I ran competitively, and I'd train for it day in and day out. Mile after mile, uphill, downhill, indoors, outdoors ...there wasn't a challenge I'd turn down. Unfortunately, my approach to stretching and recovery was nonchalant, and I paid the price for a time with constant knee and hamstring pain. Because hard training naturally puts a strain on your muscles, joints, and ligaments, warm-up and cooldown stretching will help prevent strains, pulls and injuries. And while some people are more limber than others by nature, and can 'get away with it', all of us definitely need some flexibility work.

I'd recommend at least 10 minutes for every 45 minutes of tough training.
If you can't motivate yourself to stretch, or aren't sure where to start, then do what I did and commit to a stretching class of some type. With a yoga studio on nearly every street corner you really don't have an excuse. I recommend, as you move into the stretch, breath in, as you 'feel' the stretch activation, then gently breath out as you move into and 'enter the stretch zone', then hold the posture as the body releases it's elasticity. Hold each stretch for 10-60 seconds, while breathing slowly and gently.

It's up to you to decide which days best suit you for training, and how many days each week you can commit to working out. Always remembering you need at least 1 or 2 days off from super tough training (sometimes, I stretch on my days off, other times, I make it a total nothing day, but I always perform The Complete Breath TM to start my day, and once again to start my evening).
Here's an idea of what a typical week might look like:

Monday 45 minutes weights, 15 minutes interval cardio, 10 minutes stretch

Tuesday stretch class

Wednesday 45-60 minutes weights, 10 minutes stretch

Thursday 20 minutes interval cardio, 10 minutes stretch

Friday off, or stretching at home

Saturday 45 minutes weights, 10 minutes stretch

Sunday off

EXCEPTION: If have an exceptionally slow metabolism, or have been been doing regular cardio sessions and are not happy with your progress, I recommend you perform The 20 minute high intensity, interval Program for 2 weeks to reset your Cardio Receptor Thresholds. Keep in mind, I don't know your particular goals and exercise history, so the above is really just an outline. You may find it completely unrealistic to put aside that much time for exercise, in which case I'd recommend you start with whatever you can fit in. Your progress may be slower, but trust me, you most definitely will be progressing even if you're only investing 10 minutes of quality exercise each day.

While I do believe that the above outline is ideal, I also know that it's better to start with some exercise and build up, rather than wait for the time when life gives you the freedom to do whatever you'd like.

If the above weekly exercise schedule looks very familier, then well-done!

If you'd like to add more training, start with 1 or 2 additional strength sessions, and a maximum of 1 more cardio session of around 15-20 minutes. You might also like to try setting a day aside for a sport or outdoor activity. Exercise doesn't have to be 100% structured, and many people find the greatest enjoyment comes from challenging themselves with something new outside the gym. My 'outside the gym' activity of choice is Karate.

I hope today's post has helped you dis-cover more of your potential

If you have any questions about further fine-tuning your exercise program, or would like to suggest some tips for how best to incorporate regular exercise into a busy life, then please comment below. In fact -

If you're a regular reader and haven't been active in The PETEtheTRAINER community
then now is the time.
I want your involvement, your feedback, and your questions!
So why not make this the day to leave a comment before you go.
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CAUTION: It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program or making changes to your nutrition routine


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