Brain-Boosting Drinks
The following drinks will all give your brain that extra boost it needs to start pumping.
- Chai. This tea infused with a variety of spices and blended with milk or a non-dairy milk substitute will awaken your senses and your brain.
- Kombucha. In addition to the multiple health benefits of this unusual drink, it is primarily a detoxifier for the body. It also gets your brain pumping pretty quickly.
- Water. Staying hydrated benefits your body and brain by keeping you detoxified and oxygenated, so drink plenty of water for a brain boost.
- Matcha. This stone-ground, powdered form of green tea is a super-concentrated version of the green tea that comes in tea bags and provides a super blast for your brain.
- Caffeine. As this study indicates, a little caffeine may be beneficial to your brain, so have that cup of coffee when you brain feels a little sluggish.
- Kava kava. Long used in the South Pacific, kava kava is reported to induce both brain stimulation and anxiety reduction.
- Smoothies. A simple brain-boosting smoothie with fresh fruits and yogurt or a bit of protein powder will have your brain working again in no time.
- Ginkgo biloba tea. Ginkgo biloba tea helps promote blood flow, memory, and mental alertness.
- Ginseng tea. Tea made from the ginseng root provides better mental acuity as well as boosts blood circulation, reduces fatigue, and a host of other benefits.
Brain-Boosting Foods
From the instant benefit of cinnamon and peppermint to the longer-lasting benefits of blueberries, these foods are great ways to get the blood flowing in your brain.
- Cinnamon and peppermint. Research shows that cinnamon and peppermint stimulates the brain. Have some gum or tea and give it a shot.
- Fish oil. This nutrient, either obtained through eating fish or taking a good-quality supplement, not only increases overall physical health, it also helps boost your brain power.
- Apples. Long associated with healthy nutrition, an apple a day can provide brain health benefits.
- Salmon. Salmon is good for your body and your brain. This super food is high in omega-3 EFAs and protein, low in cholesterol and contains quite a few B vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.
- Avocado. Avocados have monosaturated fat (the good fat), which increases blood flow, which gives your brain a boost.
- Curry. Curry, and especially the turmeric in curry dishes, have been shown to boost cognition. The tantalizing taste will also help wake up your brain.
- Antioxidants. Eating foods that are antioxidants can help improve focus, problem-solving, and memory.
- Fruits and veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great brain booster. Learn about the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables to your brain.
- Whole grains. Two and a half servings of whole grains a day can significantly reduce your chance for a stroke and keeps your brain in top shape.
- Olive oil. This healthy oil has been shown to break up clots in capillaries and generally help with blood flow.
- Blueberries. These little berries really pack a punch when it comes to brain health. Pop a few when your blood sugar and brain function feel low.
- Cocoa. Foods containing cocoa, like chocolate, may provide benefits for memory and learning, and the endorphins raised by eating chocolate will also provide a more immediate boost for your brain.
Q. I was wondering how often, should a healthy and fit person
go to the bathroom ...once a day ...or would once a week be best?
I also recommend you do a Complete Body Cleanse TM
Enlightening facts, oddities and Aha moments that I have learned from variousMartial Art masters during my many travels learning and teaching around the world.
...This refers to the fact that each person has a Conscious Mind and a Sub-Conscious Mind ...these are the two (co-existing) ways that you process all information, based on how you are wired. It's important to be aware of your two minds if your quest is to create balance in your goals, your relationships, your martial art, and life in general. Like your body, your mind can be trained to be more efficient. To train 'each' mind requires it's own kind of training ...just like your body needs specific training for strength, flexibility, endurance etc.
Your Sub-Conscious mind is also known as your Reactive Mind or your Neanderthal's your body/mind foundational workings. It's the part of your brain that takes care of pulling your finger instantly away from the hotplate. It's this important element that is extensively trained in the martial arts.
Your Sub-Conscious Mind is designed to be aware by collecting emotions, it's hard-wired to optimistically handle two responsibilities:
1) Keep you alive to propagated 'the species'.
2) Be right via taking notes, and acting on them at the earliest opportunity.
Your sub-conscious mind doesn't have a sense of humor, cannot make future plans, cannot operate conceptually and does't naturally feel sad, suspicious or shameful unless instructed to to so by the conscious mind via learned experiences.
Your Sub-Conscious Mind simply reacts to any information, positive or negative. Think of SCM as the 'village idiot' that follows you around, taking notes and literally acting on everything you say and think. This is how affirmations and Negative Self-Talk work to create an effect. Have you ever seen a professional athlete talking out loud? ...they are talking to their Sub-Conscious Mind to reinforce an action desired.
Your Conscious Mind is designed to become more creatively aware, and oversees your present and future needs, wants and desires.
...Don't waste time doing exercises that give mediocre results for your efforts.
Here are the 3 BEST EXERCISES to build your BEST ABS in the SHORTEST TIME. You'll need to train these sets of muscles two or three times per week. Perform sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. Emphasize the 3 parts of Classic Body Building" Contract (Concentric) Pause (Isotonic) Control (Eccentric) at a tempo of 2-1-4. Use the principle of Progressive Resistance where possible. This means, strengthen your midsection by using more weight from set to set, workout to workout.
1) Hanging knee or leg raises
2) Weighted (legs elevated} crunch
3) Kneeling or standing cable crunch
Thank you for your visit, drop me a line if you have questions.
Keep dis-covering your potential
Peace & Blessings
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