for about $11. per day you can
(our most successful 8 week BODY-SHAPING PROGRAM)
look your absolute BEST..!
The 'key' thing to do is
get organized, equipped and correctly motivated
The best way to start is to call us on 648-1301
The best way to start is to call us on 648-1301
and make a Fitness Assessment appointment.
Then, come by and see our facilities, and
Then, come by and see our facilities, and
see if we are what you are looking for.
success stories start
with an initial consultation:
We'll fill out a (15 important key question)
Fitness Assessment and show you some
of the exercises that you'll be using to
get your 'NEW YOU' body.
There is NO CHARGE
for this 40 min. service
*The Fitness Assessment will allow us to gather your 'wants, needs, body-type, history and present statistics' information, which in turn, will help us custom design the BEST program for YOU and your situation.
To give you an idea of 'reality', our 'SPRING into SUMMER PROGRAM'
is a, 3, fifty minute per week, eight week Program, designed for beginner to intermediate Clients.
Application for this program starts 8am. Tues March 22nd 2011
*The SPRING into SUMMER is a complete, 1-on-1 Holistic exercise, nutrition and recuperation program for shaping (burning calories/ losing fat) aligning (posture). toning and strengthening.
Expected results:
lose 3-4 or more dress sizes in two months
The cost is 39.95 per single 50 min. session
or JUST $25 per 50 min. session
when you purchase a series of 10 ($250)
*A series has a 3 session per week workout session stipulation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If we can be of service in any way
or you have more questions
please let us know
Yours in service
Instructor/ Founder
PeterAnthony: Internationally Certified Personal Trainer, Success Coach
and Shotokan Karate Instructor (SKIF Las Vegas. Kanazawa Kancho). (702) 648 1301
The BODY-SHAPING SCHOOL is committed to disseminating affordable, Holistic, principle based Programs that build better health and fitness, and provide personal empowerment opportunities for EVERY BODY.