A Practical Start Right
Nutrition Guide:
. ...so in order to truly achieve your health and fitness goals, it is imperative that you develop healthy eating habits on a daily basis. The following info serves as a practical "nutritional guide" for putting you on the right path. This guide is very basic in nature and simplified for easy, quick reading.
It is important to understand that there are no "bad" foods as far as calories are concerned - any food can be incorporated into your diet in moderation. Having said that, you should reduce your intake of refined sugars (cookies, etc.) and saturated fat (butter, etc.) and eat plenty of organic (whole food) fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Guaranteed 90% free of toxins.
Guaranteed 97.5 free of toxins.
It's important to can get your daily requirements of nutrients through whole food along with a daily pharmaceutical grade multivitamin and mineral supplement. For some underweight Clients, an addition daily "weight gain" shake is recommended to facilitate adequate calorie count for muscle building.
It is very important to understand the basics of the role nutrition plays in acquiring maximum physical development.
What you eat on a daily basis helps determine your body fat levels as well as how much energy you have for intense, rigorous exercise. Whether you are trying to gain muscle, reduce body fat, or maintain your current stature - it is very important you follow these basic dietary recommendations:
- Create a balanced diet by consuming approximately 60-65% carbohydrates,
15-20% fat and 10-15% protein. - Eat a variety of healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.).
- LIMIT your intake of unhealthy fat, sugar, and sodium.
- Drink plenty of WATER ( 6x16 ozs = 96oz per day)
- Eat 5-7 "smaller" feedings throughout the day. The size of the meal (feeding) depends on actual goal: weight loss, maintenance or weight gain.
In order to reduce body fat, usualy means you MUST EXPEND MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME on a daily basis. This means you have to eat less and exercise more.
How many calories should you consume
per day?
To determine how many calories a day you should consume,
multiply your current bodyweight
by 15.
This will give you an approximation of your daily caloric needs.
For example:,
A 200 lb. athlete trying to reduce body fat should consume around 3000 calories per day (200 X 15 = 3000).
...depending on your individual metabolism as well as your daily energy expenditure through physical activity - your calorie target number (CTN) may have to be slightly adjusted either higher or lower depending on your energy needs and how you are progressing.
NOTE:, Don't let your caloric intake per day drop below 1200-1500 - or your body may go into "starvation mode" and then your body will fight all your attempts to reduce fat levels.
The following samples are designed for the individual who wants to consume 'regular' foods.
Sample Menu #1:
Breakfast: Oatmeal and fresh fruit.
Snack: Yogurt and a granola bar.
Lunch: 1 Deli sandwiches (Turkey), and an apple.
Snack: 1 Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and milk.
Dinner: Grilled chicken and steamed vegetables.
Snack: Pretzels.
Sample Menu #2:
Breakfast: Cheerios, banana, and milk.
Snack: Graham crackers and milk.
Lunch: 1 slice of cheese pizza, salad, and fruit juice.
Snack: 1 English muffin w/jelly.
Dinner: Pasta w/marinara sauce, a vegetable, and milk.
Snack: Frozen yogurt.
Weight Gain the Healthy Way
In order to gain weight, you MUST CONSUME MORE CALORIES THAN YOU EXPEND on a daily basis. This means you have to eat, eat, and eat.
To determine how many calories a day you should consume,
multiply your current bodyweight
by 25.
This will give you a rough estimate of your daily caloric needs. For example, a 200 lb. athlete wanting to gain muscular body weight
requires around 5000 calories a day (200 X 25 = 5000). Depending on your individual metabolism as well as your daily energy expenditure through physical activity.
Sample Menu #1:
Breakfast: Orange juice, 5 pancakes w/syrup, and fresh fruit.
Snack: Yogurt, granola bar, and fruit juice.
Lunch: 2 Deli sandwiches, apple, milk, and 4 oatmeal cookies.
Snack: 2 Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and milk.
Dinner: Steak, potatoes, steamed vegetables, and a roll.
Snack: 2 English muffins w/jelly.
Sample Menu #2:
Breakfast: Raisin Bran, milk, and 4 scrambled eggs.
Snack: Peanut butter on graham crackers, and milk.
Lunch: 3 slices of cheese pizza, salad, and fruit juice.
Snack: Trail mix: peanuts, raisins, and dried fruit.
Dinner: Pasta w/meat sauce, garlic bread, a vegetable, and milk.
Snack: Protein shake (prepared w/milk) and peanut butter cookies.
Fluid Intake for Athletes (people who work out 3 times per week or more)
It is extremely important to be well hydrated, especially during the summer heat. Athletic performance can decrease dramatically when the body is even slightly low on water.
You should aim to drink on a set schedule, don't wait until you are thirsty. Put water in your mouth, not on your head!
- Drink 16 oz. of fluid 2 hours before competition.
- Then drink 8 oz. 15 minutes prior to competition (or workout).
- Drink during the event (at least 8 oz. every 20 minutes)
- Drink 24 oz. per pound of bodyweight lost.
- Ensure you are properly hydrated at all times (especially during times of active training and competition).
- Don't wait until you are thirsty to start drinking water!
- Consume adequate calories to meet growth and development needs as well as the extra needs of intense training and Recouparation.
- Do your best to get most of your nutrients from "real" food.
- Adopt health eating habits that will last you a lifetime.
- Avoid a dietary"quick fix" mentality ...temporary diets, yield temporary weight loss at best.(mostly water, muscle and some fat).
- Design a meal pattern that fits your daily energy cycle and plan to eat several times per day using regularly spaced meals and snacks to meet your caloric and nutrient needs.
- Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates to provide the long term energy to fuel your intense training and competition.
- Try and consume a variety of food types (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc.). As your best insurance for getting the necessary vitamins and minerals, supplement with a quality multi Vit/Min.to support and maintain your health and fitness.
OK here's a quick change of pace, then we'll wrap up today's dissemination with two gems of information that I often get asked about, Pre-exercise Preparation and Post-exercise Prep.
Enlightening facts, oddities and Aha moments that I have learned from variousMartial Art masters during my many travels learning and teaching around the world.
...What this means is, be aware of your 'body feel' at all times, by being aware of 'your feel', you can more easily read your opponant's intentions and actions. The way this 'feel' is taught in the 'hard' martial arts is by way of many hours of grueling 'basic' training sessions whereby you are 'worn down' to near exhaustion, you then rest and nourish, the body and mind, and the 'spirit training' is repeated. After about a year of this kind of rigorous training your body's physical and mind awareness has been heightened to a subconscious 'trigger' level. This kind of awareness is introduced on the first day of your first lesson. The first thing you physically learn is how to stand 'still' - all basic moves start from this position. so it's important for your spine, hips and feet to 'line up' from the 'get go' (no pun intended).
Here's how you do it: Stand 'tall' with you arms and shoulders 'relaxed and down'. The butt is 'curled slightly 'under and a small amount of tension is held in the 'pit of your stomach'. Your legs are slightly bent at the knee. The ribcage should be 'floating above your hips. Your ankles are relaxed and 'loaded'with a slight amount of 'ready tension', spread your toes.
You will initiate movement (from your brain, to your Hara) by pressing the ground with your 'big' toes. Your heals are together at this point and your feet are splayed to approx. 45 degrees.
Now perform this action: Bend your knees, then push downward with your 'big' toes -this will result in a small jump, relax as you raise your body off the ground (perform this three times).
The secret is: 'Relax' after each jump, so that when you land, your feet position and angle will 'line-up' under your hips in your natural 'stand still' or 'ready position' (Yoi). Also you will 'shake out' tension that you may be holding in your neck, shoulders and arms etc. which can slow down reaction time. As you mature in you training, your body will change and so will your 'Yoi'.
Stay tuned, for more Martial Art magic next time on PETEtheTRAINER
#7 Allow yourself to feel your "ME TIME" power
This means take time to be alone with yourself to 'touch base' with your ESSENCE. I recommend that you perform (if you don't already) Transcendental Meditation TM daily. (We'll be covering this important subject soon so stay tuned! (no pun intended). Another daily "ME TIME' activity I recommend is Parameters TM (these are the joint health exercises that are done while you are in your (exertion) comfort zone. I also recommend Pilates to strengthen your focus and balance your posture while you gain control of your 'motor units'. I also recommend Yoga to 'union' your systems and increase your range of motion.
Thank you for your visit today.
Keep dis-covering your potential.
I'll leave you today with two more gems of information. Peace & Blessings to all. ^P.
Pre-Game Prep:
- Eat lightly before competition (or workout).
- Eat complex carbs and limit protein and fat intake (they are much slower to digest).
- Avoid "bulky" foods that may weigh you down.
- Eat slowly and chew well to avoid indigestion.
- Drink sufficient amounts of water (see above for fluid requirements).
- Avoid drastic changes to your normal diet routine immediately prior to competition.
Post-Game Prep:
- Consume a protein shake and carbohydrate rich foods and beverages as soon as possible after competition (or workout). They will replenish glycogen (the muscle's energy) stores quickly.
- Replace fluids that have been lost (see above for fluid requirements).
- Replace any potassium or sodium that has been lost during competition or training. Fruits, vegetables, and salty foods are excellent for this.
- Return to your normal diet as soon as possible following the post game meal.
I love your site, this is the kind of info I've been looking for PLUS it puts a smile on my face Please keep it up