a thing of the past
Overcoming procrastination, is one of the biggest hurdles for many people, especially those brand new to body-shaping/strength training. During the first few weeks of training your body is 'forced' to adapt and recuperate from post workout 'soreness'.You fight and struggle for results and step by step, you create a solid foundation of fitness.
One method I teach to help deal with this kind of situation (although some people will 'self-sabotage' repetitively no matter what) is called The "STING" method, and it addresses and handles procrastination in a simple, practical way.
S - Select one task.
T - Time yourself.
I - Ignore everything else.
N - No breaks.
G - Give yourself a reward.
Ready for a test drive?
Set the timer for say one hour to accomplish a chosen task (3 x 20 minute increments, works well for 3 small related tasks).
O.K. quit your email program and browser right NOW, grab your workout bag, close the front door. You've got one hour to get to the gym, do your thing, and back home on time.
The beauty of it is ... it works! Follow the STING Principle and you may find it actually works better than you could have imagined- and if you get enough momentum to keep going a while longer, that's even better! ...Oh, the reward? ...preferably something that's in harmony with your short term goal ...if you choose chocolate! ...think, moderation, dark and organic.
Here's a puzzle for you:
What do you see in this grid?
What do you think it represents?
The answer is "one year." The columns represent days and the rows are the twelve months of the year, so each day of the year occupies one square.
"Okay," you ask, "so what's the big deal?"
You may be used to thinking about one year as a long time. When a year is represented like this, and you can see every day of the year at a glance, suddenly a year looks like an opportunity that can be organized.
This grid is the layout of a typical table blotter calendar that you can find in any office supply store. It's quite an ordinary, everyday thing. Why should it be any different from a regular yearly calendar that shows the same thing month by month? I'm not sure. Perhaps it is because we've also been conditioned to think of a month as a long time. Perhaps the irregular number of days in a month and the space between months all contribute to that illusion.
In any event, confronting the grid and contemplating its meaning is a sobering experience for me. You cross out a square with each day passes, and no power in the Universe can bring that day back for you. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. And when another year has passed, all the squares will be crossed out, irrevocably lost. You have to move on to another 'grid'.
How many more grids do you have? And what if the number forty? It can be expressed as a five-by-eight matrix. With the passing of each year, one square from this tiny matrix disappears, never to exist again.
For all I know I may have just a few more table blotters remaining. The same is true for you.
When you see it this way, you come to the inescapable conclusion that, indeed, life is too short. We hear this platitude so frequently, it has all but lost its power. But now, seen from a fresh angle, the message regains its dark potency. We, all of us, really don't have that much time in this plane of existence. If life is a lesson, it's a crash course.
Did YOU START YOUR DAY with 16 oz of cold H20
...waited 30 mins, THEN
enjoyed a Protein Shake along with a Multi Vitamin/Mineral?
#8 Don't be foolish and think you can save money AND not waste time
If you think you can get fit and healthy by buying a gym membership and then making stuff up as you go along, you're just fooling yourself, AND asking to get injured. Smart folk hire a Certified Personal Trainer with 'street cred expirience' to teach them what they need to know so they can accomplish your goal in the shortest amount of time.
Invest the necessary funds required to learn the exercises correctly (movement, breathing, focus & grip), learn how to keep records (these will come in handy once you have built your Fitness Foundation and you are ready to take it to the next level) and learn how to eat to achieve your goal.
To create the best/fastest results your training will progress in phases (also known as periods). These phases progress as follows, and then they are all repeated (except the Foundation phase of course). At the next level they are repeated with more intensity.
a) Foundation (Stability) 4 -12 weeks
b) Hypertrophy 4 -6 weeks
c) Strength 4 - 6 weeks
d) Power 4 - 6 weeks
e) Replenishment (7 - 10 days)
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Enlightening facts, oddities and Aha moments that I have learned from various Martial Art masters during my many travels learning and teaching around the world.
...Economy of energy along with the creation of maximum effectiveness and personal safety is why you practice a movement or practice an exercise. When you perform a 'classic' punching motion, just as you perform a 'classic' Dumbbell Press, it's important for safe, energy production to initially keep your elbows 'in tight' to your body, so the movement of your body can be transferred to the hand. In the case of a press I'm referring to taking the Dumbbells from the 'seated/thigh' position to the arm extended/ready to descend (to lower) position. In the case of say, a right hook, I'm referring to the, elbow 'covering' your floating rib just before the body twists/the elbow comes out and the punch is executed. If you've ever taken a Karate class you would have heard your Sensei (teacher/leader) many times command - Brush your sides!
Here's the latest in our NEWarticle features, it's called,
Mmn Yea..!
This new PETEtheTRAINER section will touch on ditties, quotes, and things to make you ponder on your uniqueness.
#1 Mmn Yea..!
ditties, quotes, and things to make you ponder on your uniqueness.
Remind Everyone Today
If you woke you this morning with more health than illness, you are more
blessed than the millions who will not survive this week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of
imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are
ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend a gym without fear of harassment, arrest,
torture, or death, you are more blessed than
many weakened, inflexible and poorly toned people in the world.
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead,
and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish
someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If your parents are alive and happily married, you are very rare.
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can offer a healing touch
If you can read this message you've just received a double blessing in that
someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.
Cherish every minute today, pass along blessings, pass this post along to remind
everyone today, how truly blessed we all are.
Q. Should I be wearing a weightlifter type belt when I exercise?
Hope you had some Aha moments
'til next time, keep dis-covering your potential
Peace & Blessings
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